Another competition strips photographer of first prize

On Friday, organisers of the Australian Photography Awards (APA) announced they had disqualified Lisa Saad's winning portrait entry, 'Cooper', from their 2018 competition.
In the statement which appeared on their Facebook page on 22 February, they indicated they would be exercising their rights to disqualify the entry. The statement read: “The submission guidelines states ‘The Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who the Promoter has reason to believe has breached any of these conditions’”. No further information was provided in terms of which entry conditions were breached.
APA has since removed Saad's disqualified work from the website.
According to the Photo Stealers’ website, Saad’s image 'Cooper' received the following accolades:
Project 11 – Cooper won Gold at the 2018 AIPP Awards, Semi Finalist at the 2018 Moran National Portrait Prize, Portrait Winner at the 2018 Australia Photography Awards, Gold at the September 2018 Monthly Societies Awards, and Winner of Portrait and Portrait Children at the 2018 The Societies 20×16 Awards.
APA has since updated their website to reveal the new winner of the 2018 Portrait category as Nadia Stone, for her image, This Is Us.

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