Alastair Leong, The Call Of Speed (Sport)

Most young boys will always dream of becoming a race car driver at least once in their young lives, how many actually see their dreams come to fruition is another matter entirely. Choosing 6 images to best sum up and portray the thrill of motorsport is a near impossible task. Be it the precision of GT racing to the hectic rush of a pitstop or even the calm before the storm as some teams give the regular joe a behind the scenes look before the big race. Most racers put their lives on the line daily, and the amount of work and effort by both driver and team culminates in the oh so glorious podium and the champagne showers that often ensue. I'm pretty sure i have much better photos in my portfolio but i hope the 6 i have chosen so far best sums up the spirit of motorsport, not only on but off the track as well.

Images have been resized for web display, which may cause some loss of image quality. Note: Original high-resolution images are used for judging.