Head On Portrait Prize 2019 People's Choice winner announced

Over for another year, Sydney's Head On Photo Festival drew to a close at the end of May, wrapping up their annual awards program and the dozens and dozens of exhibitions held throughout Sydney. Votes for the People's Choice for the Head On Portrait Prize 2019 have recently been tallied, with over 1000 votes cast. The winner is Kelly Champion, with her portrait, Farewell.

Champion, along with one one voter, who was chosen at random, will share in prizes worth over $1,000 from Synology.

People's Choice winner, Farewell by Kelly Champion. Grace cradles her beloved pet rat, Milkshakes she mourns her loss and says last goodbyes before Milkshake's burial.
People's Choice winner. Farewell by Kelly Champion. Grace cradles her beloved pet rat, Milkshake.
She mourns her loss and says last goodbyes before Milkshake's burial.
People's Choice - 2nd place. Jesmin (16) by Jouk Oosterhof. 
Every year worldwide, 12 million girls under the age of eighteen get married; many of them are even much younger. In Bangladesh, child marriage is prohibited by law, but the law is not well enforced and child marriages occur on a large scale. The older the girl, the more her parents must pay for the dowry which only makes it worse. Jesmin is photographed anonymously to protect her safety.
People's Choice - 2nd place. Jesmin (16) by Jouk Oosterhof. Every year worldwide, 12 million girls under the age of eighteen get married; many of them are even much younger. In Bangladesh, child marriage is prohibited by law, but the law is not well enforced and child marriages occur on a large scale. The older the girl, the more her parents must pay for the dowry which only makes it worse. Jesmin is photographed anonymously to protect her safety.
People's Choice - 3rd place. You are so self-controlling by Nadine Goksun.
People's Choice - 3rd place. You are so self-controlling by Nadine Goksun.
"My mother-in-law, reading a newspaper in the garden."


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