Landscape photographer Adam Williams has been named 2017 AIPP NSW Epson Professional Photographer of the Year. Williams says his passion for landscape photography comes from living with depression and anxiety for periods of his life. “Much of the emotion within my work draws its inspiration from the highs and lows of these days,” he says. “For me, it’s all about communicating emotion – powerful imagery is emotional. This would be the reason why my work varies wildly from the given scene, because the landscape itself is the canvas for my artistic expression.”

Williams, who is a supporter of beyondblue – a non-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety disorders and related mental disorders, says one message he hopes to communicate to people suffering from mental health issues through his work is that ‘you’re not alone’. “It's ok to have anxiety and depression – statistics suggest it's abnormal not to have experienced anxiety or depression at some point in your life. Don't be afraid to talk to a friend or ask for help”, he says.
The AIPP NSW Epson Professional Photography Awards are run annually in every state by the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) – the country’s largest photographic membership body.

To be eligible for the title of Professional Photographer of the Year in each state, photographers must first win a category. Williamswas named the winner of the Landscape category.

2017 Professional Photography Awards winners
- Epson Professional Photographer of the Year – Adam Williams
- Commercial Professional Photographer of the Year – Gavin Jowitt
- Sport Professional Photographer of the Year – Andy Cheung
- Family Professional Photographer of the Year – Naomi Reiter
- Illustrative Professional Photographer of the Year– Charles Foulsham
- Landscape Professional Photographer of the Year – Adam Williams
- Newborn Professional Photographer of the Year – Natalie Howe
- Pet/Animal Professional Photographer of the Year – Linda Warlond
- Portrait Professional Photographer of the Year – Shannon Cotterill
- Science, Wildlife & Wild Places Professional Photographer of the Year – Ignacio Palacios
- Travel Professional Photographer of the Year – Ignacio Palacios
- Wedding Professional Photographer of the Year – Aries Tao
- Emerging Professional Photographer of the Year – Greg Farmer
- Student Professional Photographer of the Year – Marina Zivkovic
- Highest Scoring Print – Brett Rylance
- Epson Signature Worthy Award – Ignacio Palacios