Imogen Caruso, A Little Girl, A Sporty Girl and A School Girl (PORTRAIT 2022)

This series shows the same girl with different labels on her. This series pushes the boundaries of what are acceptable forms of violence towards children and the emotional impact outweighs the physical damage in our society. In sporting culture, violence is far more acceptable and the physical impact of those injuries are treated differently to those created in other social situations. This series shows the same girl as 'Little Girl' with the implications of Family Violence, 'Sporty Girl' as the tough and rough player and "School Girl' having to negotiate the peer issues of bullying. The bland titles and lack of description in each photo is deliberate to highlight how society is dismissive and silences victims.

Images have been resized for web display, which may cause some loss of image quality. Note: Original high-resolution images are used for judging.