LINCOLN’S ROCK AKA FLAT ROCK Aussie’s have a way of not beating around the bush when it comes to naming locations, and Flat Rock is no exception. This place is exactly that, a flat rock overlooking a killer view of the Jamison Valley and Kings Tableland. When you are here, you are reminded how vast and rugged this iconic landscape is. This incredible lookout was only officially named ‘Lincoln’s Rock’ in 2013. Before that it went by a few different names: Flat Rock (it really is a big flat rock!), Wedding Rock (lots of couples have wedding-day photos taken there) and even Honeymoon Rock. It’s named after Australian mountaineer Lincoln Hall who lived in Wentworth Falls for two decades and who died tragically from asbestos-related illness in 2012. Lincoln’s Rock is one of the most accessible and open areas to take wide open Blue Mountain sunsets. The sun sinks below the mountains across the opposite side of the valley. Along the way, the light disperses through various peaks and ridges, changing the scenery every minute.

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