Rachael Willis, Summernats (Doco/Photojournalism (2019))
An ongoing body of work, documenting the Summernats car festival held in Canberra (ACT). Every January for the past 32 years car enthusiasts have roared into the nation's capital for four days of automotive action. Locals beat a hasty retreat over the Clyde to the Bay and the inner north hipsters are displaced by Braddon’s original auto-natives doing Mort Street mainies. It has had a reputation for bogans, hoons, and anti-social and misogynistic behaviour, however there have been attempts to make it more women and family friendly over the last few years, with a greater police and security presence and less tolerance for harassment of women.

Images have been resized for web display, which may cause some loss of image quality. Note: Original high-resolution images are used for judging.