Laurence McDonald, The Bogong Diaries Series (Landscape 2020)
“Mountains Embody Power, Silence and the Mind”. My love for the Mount Bogong area in north east of Victoria is ongoing hence why I keep going back as much as I can. It is near where my Father was born in the small town of Tawonga. We have holidayed there over many years and it holds many memories of swimming, camping and hiking throughout. My Father may be one of the very few people that has witnessed the migration of the Bogong Moth flying up the valley and over the summit. In the Australian Aboriginal Waywurru and Dhudhuroa languages, the mountain is named Warkwoolowler, meaning the mountain where Aboriginal people collected the Bogong Moths. At present this is an ongoing series of photographs that documents my many hikes and snowboarding trips up Mt.Bogong.
Images have been resized for web display, which may cause some loss of image quality. Note: Original high-resolution images are used for judging.