Michael Zanetti: Australasia's Top Wedding Photographers 2021 – featured entry
Photographer: Michael Zanetti
Title: Nonnas at a wedding
Category: Single Shot
Ablout the image: The bride's nonna and the groom's nonna taking a little time out in the church vestibule after the wedding ceremony.
Instagram: instagram.com/studiozanetti
Facebook: www.facebook.com/studiozanetti
Website: studiozanetti.com.au

Australasia's Top Wedding Photographers 2021.
Australasia's Top Wedding Photographers, presented by Sony, aims to discover and showcase the region’s most talented wedding photographers. Winners and runners-up will share in a prize pool of more than $15,000, including $7,000 in cash prizes. The best entries will be showcased in the February–April 2022 issue of Capture magazine.
Standard pricing ends after 3 October.