The Travel Bootcamp
The Travel Bootcamp isn’t just another course. It’s an intensive, no-bullshit, full-day program designed to give you the how, as well as the whos, the wheres and the whens of turning travel into income.
Whether you’re looking for a whole new career or just want to make some money on the side, Lauren Bath (digital influencer), Georgia Rickard (travel writer) and Elizabeth Carlson (Young Adventuress blog) will show you how to make a (damn good) income as an instagrammer, blogger or writer, not to mention, how to get yourself invited on those free press trips.

No fluff: just the real strategies, steps and secrets to turning your passion into a career, from three people who’ve done it.
Just some of the many topics covered will include:
- How to build your Instagram following and blog community
- Monetising 101: how to earn money from your travel Instagram account, blog and articles
- What a pitch actually looks like
- How to pitch travel ideas, and who to pitch to
- How to brand and present yourself to industry
- How, and how much, the industry pays
- The pros and cons of quitting your day job to travel
More information, and how to secure your spot...